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Attendance, Absence Reporting & Off Games

Please find below the correct procedure for attendance at school. Please could you remind your son of these details.

Absence: contact Ms Newcombe: 01923 845536 or jnewcombe@mtsn.org.uk

  • If your son is absent from school at short notice, please ring/inform the school as soon as possible
  • If your son is off for more than one day, please could you ring/inform the school for each day of his absence
  • When your son returns to school, he should bring a letter from you confirming the reason for his absence

Request for absence: contact Dr Clarke on aclarke@mtsn.org.uk

Late for school or leaving early: contact Ms Newcombe

  • Should your son arrive late to school, return to school during the day from an appointment or leave school during the day for an appointment, he must report to Ms Newcombe in Reception upon leaving School or arrival at School.

"Off Games": contact Ms Newcombe

If your son is not well enough to take part in Games a parent should email the Attendance Secretary, Ms Newcombe confirming the reason. This email should be sent, to Ms Newcombe (not the member of staff running the sessions) before 8.35 am on the day in question. We also ask that the Sports injury record form below is completed so that we can monitor injuries and assist where required.

Pupils who are 鈥渙ff-games鈥, must attend their Games activity at the start of the session to register. In the most cases, pupils will be required to stay with their Games option and assist the coach/teacher where required. In exceptional circumstances, the pupil will be allowed to leave the session, but this is at the discretion of the teacher in charge.

Upper School pupils who are not part of a School Sports Team Squad are not required for Games on Mondays. All Upper School pupils should register with Ms Newcombe when they are leaving the School site or register by 2.30pm if they are staying at School to continue their studies or take part in Games that day.

On Wednesday afternoons, all boys in the Lower and Middle Schools who are 鈥渙ff-games鈥 should report to the Teacher leading the Games Session at 2.30pm where a register will be taken by a member of staff. 鈥淥ff-games鈥 pupils may be required to assist with the Games session or may be permitted to study in the School Library until 3.30pm.

Boys in the Upper School who are 鈥渙ff-games鈥 and not needed to support their Games session are allowed to go home to study, but must 鈥榮ign out鈥 with Ms Newcombe when they leave the School site.
