Warhammer Club

Hear more about Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥ Warhammer Club from it's current leader Henry C (L6th) who, talks about the game and boost the club has received from the Clubs and Societies Fund supported by the Headmaster’s Discretionary Fund.

Writes Henry C (L6th)

I started running the school’s Warhammer 40k club at the beginning of last term. Warhammer 40k is a strategic miniature wargame set in a dystopian sci-fi future, where aliens and humans battle it out to preserve humanities empire across the galaxy. The hobby has three major parts: building the models, painting the models and then playing. Unfortunately, the club was only able to properly show off the playing side of the hobby as those of us with models could bring them in, however we didn’t have any unbuilt or unpainted models for newer players to learn to build and paint with.

Luckily for us, once a year every club in the school is given the opportunity to apply to the Clubs and Societies Fund, (supported by the Headmaster’s Discretionary Fund), for funding. I was really excited to take this opportunity with the Warhammer club, as it would mean that we could now show off more of the building and painting side of the hobby to those who were newer. Of course, I applied and the school gave us almost £300 to spend on different models! This meant that we have managed to start three different miniature armies for the club, and together we have already begun building and painting the models.

The factions we chose are the Imperial guard, the standard soldiers of the Imperium of Man, the T’au empire, a type of alien who fights for the greater good, and the World Eaters, a group of super soldiers who worship the evil god of war. All three factions play significantly differently on the tabletop, with the T’au and Imperial guard preferring ranged fire fights and the world eaters prefer close combat. This allows for tactical depth between the different factions so newcomers can experience a wide spread of what the club has to offer and use all sorts of different strategies each week.

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