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Lunch Menu

All enquiries including those concerning special dietary requirements or food allergies should be sent to Catering Manager

There are major issues in supply chains nationally which have the potential to impact the Catering Department.
In consequence, it is possible that changes to the published menus may be required at short notice.

03 February 202504 February 202505 February 202506 February 202507 February 2025
Pork Sausage RollChicken EnchilladaMarina ChickenKatsu Chicken CurryFish of the Day served with a
Minced Lamb & Potato PieChilli Beef BurritoHerby Lamb MeatballsStir Fry Beef & GingerLemon Wedge & Tartare Sauce
 Tortillas  Savaloy
 Guacomole  Chicken Burger served  with Shredded
 Sour Cream & Salsa  Iceberg Lettuce & Chilli Mayonnaise
 Spicy Wedges   
Creamy MashMexican RicePenne PastaBraised MushroomsMushy Peas
New Potatoes with ChivesSauteed Mexican VegetablesGarlic BakersStir Fry CabbageFries
Baked BeansMini CornBroccoliFried RiceColeslaw
Green Beans Mixed VegetablesPlain Chow MeinGreen Salad
Vegan Sausage RollSpicy Bean BurritoVegan Meatballs servedVeggie Spring Rolls servedBean Burger served with Shredded
Vegetable Sasusages in with Spaghettiwith Chilli SauceIceberg Lettuce & Chiili Mayonnaise
Red Onion Gravy    
Jacket BarJacket BarJacket BarJacket BarJacket Bar
Pasta BarPasta Bar Pasta BarPasta BarPasta Bar
Salad BarSalad BarSalad BarSalad BarSalad Bar
Eves PuddingAssorted Iced BunsFresh Cut FruitChocolate & Orange CakeDessert of the Day
Vanilla SauceEccles CakesAssorted Veggie JelliesChocolate Sauce 
Fresh FruitFresh Fruit Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit 
Cheese & BiscuitsCheese & BiscuitsCheese & BiscuitsCheese & BiscuitsCheese & Biscuits